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Why starting early with meditation matters for children

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31 Mar 2024

Dalai Lama famously said, “If every 8-year-old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation.” Imagine if our kids could calm down easily when they feel overwhelmed. What if they learned these skills early and kept them for life? Studies show this could happen through meditation. But let's be honest – getting kids to sit still isn't easy! This blog will help you understand why starting early with meditation matters for children.You’ll also find some fun and engaging ways to instill meditation right from early childhood.

Let’s understand why starting early with meditation is essential for children

Meditation for children is not just a passing trend; it's a powerful tool that can shape the way they perceive and interact with the world around them. Starting early with meditation lays the groundwork for personal growth and learning that extend well into adulthood. Here's why beginning this practice in childhood helps:

Sharpening focus and enhancing creativity

Meditation acts as a mental workout for kids, strengthening their ability to concentrate and stay on task. By quieting their minds, children can tap into their innate creativity, fostering imagination and innovation. This skill set becomes invaluable as they navigate through academic challenges and daily activities.

Cultivating values and emotional intelligence

Through meditation, children learn to understand their emotions and empathize with others. They become more aware of the impact of their actions on those around them, fostering kindness, compassion, and respect. Meditation teaches them to be mindful, helping them find peace and resilience amidst life's ups and downs from a very early stage.

Improved attention and behavior

Meditation has shown positive effects on attention spans, particularly in children with ADHD or high anxiety levels. By incorporating meditation practices into school routines, children can develop better attention and grasping skills, leading to improved academic performance and behavior.

Healing trauma and stress

Early exposure to meditation equips children with coping mechanisms to navigate stress and trauma. While meditation alone may not be suitable for all children suffering from certain traumas, incorporating mindfulness activities gradually can provide relief and aid in their healing journey.

Enhanced mental health and self-awareness

Meditation lays the foundation for strong mental well-being by teaching children to manage stress, reduce anxiety, and find balance. Through self-awareness, kids learn to understand their thoughts and emotions, empowering them to make conscious choices and navigate everyday challenges effectively.

Social-emotional development

Research suggests that meditation fosters emotional intelligence and communication skills, enabling children to become better listeners and empathetic individuals. Meditation, combined with social-emotional learning programs, enhances empathy, perspective-taking, and interpersonal relationships.

How to include meditation in early childhood

Incorporating meditation into early childhood can be challenging, as young children may find it difficult to sit still for extended periods. However, we can create a positive experience by making it fun and engaging. Here are a few ways to include meditation in early childhood:


Encourage kids to observe their surroundings keenly. Play games where they spot certain objects or discuss what they see, hear, and feel during walks. This helps them become more aware and focused, fostering mindfulness.


Create a safe space for kids to express their feelings openly. Encourage them to talk about both pleasant and unpleasant emotions, helping them acknowledge their feelings effectively. This practice strengthens emotional resilience and teaches the importance of respecting one's own and others' emotions.

Sensory experiences

Engage children in sensory activities to help them appreciate the world around them. Encourage them to explore different textures, sounds, and smells, fostering mindfulness and a deeper connection with their environment. This cultivates an appreciation for life's simple pleasures and encourages them to be present in the moment.

Taste testing

Encourage children to explore different flavors and textures of food. Involve them in meal preparation and encourage them to savor each bite mindfully. This instills awareness in eating habits, promoting a healthy relationship with food.

Aum chanting

Introduce children to Aum chanting to instill meditation from an early age. Practice Aum chanting together as a bonding activity, and engage in playful challenges like counting how many aum chants one can do in a minute. This not only promotes mindfulness but also strengthens the parent-child bond.

Breath count exercise

Teach children simple breath count exercises to help them calm down and relax. Encourage them to take deep breaths while counting in reverse, providing them with a valuable tool to manage stress and anxiety. This promotes emotional regulation and better sleep patterns.

Incorporating such meditation practices from early childhood enriches the parent-child relationship and makes meditation a cherished part of their daily life. These moments of mindfulness not only bring families closer together but also foster an appreciation for the present moment and the beauty of being mindful in kids.

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