Meditation for Kids

Introduce your kids to the concept of mindfulness and create a foundation of good habits right from their childhood.

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Introduction to Kids Meditation

Introducing your children to the concepts of mindfulness and meditation can have long-lasting benefits, helping them develop a strong foundation of good habits right from their childhood. By teaching them these practices early on, you are equipping them with valuable tools that will empower them to navigate life with ease.

Mindfulness involves paying attention to the present moment, cultivating awareness of one's thoughts, feelings, and surroundings without judgment. This practice helps children develop self-awareness, emotional regulation, and the ability to stay focused and present. It allows them to observe their thoughts and emotions without being overwhelmed by them, fostering resilience and a sense of calm.

By introducing mindfulness for kids, you are helping them develop important life skills. They will learn to better understand their own emotions and thoughts, manage stress and difficult situations more effectively, and cultivate a sense of empathy and compassion towards others. These practices can also enhance their overall well-being and contribute to their mental and emotional growth.

The Science Behind Meditation for Kids

People commonly believe that meditation is only for adults, but research shows that meditation for kids has several benefits for our younger generation.

Mindfulness meditation aids empathy & compassion in kids

Mindfulness meditation aids empathy & compassion in kids

In a research report by Springer, the researchers found convincing evidence that mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) are helpful in creating empathy and compassion in children and adolescents.

Mindfulness improves attention & executive functions in kids

Mindfulness improves attention & executive functions in kids

In a report by Springer, mindfulness activities for kids improved attention and executive function, resulting in better self-control and behavior in children.

Mind-body therapies & practices help kids cope with mental health & pain

Mind-body therapies & practices help kids cope with mental health & pain

Research by the American Academy of Pediatrics proved that meditation helps children tackle pain and mental issues in a positive manner. Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) programs improve mental health symptoms, coping, & self-regulatory processes.

Mindfulness training improves self-control, participation, and attention span in classrooms

Mindfulness training improves self-control, participation, and attention span in classrooms

In a research study by NCBI, a 5-week mindful program conducted for the kids of 400 low-income households, has helped them be more focused, have better attention spans, be more respectful and caring, and have better self-control.

How is Meditation Different for Kids?

Meditation for kids varies significantly from meditation for adults. Kids need a visual medium to learn and practice meditation. They need a space, a partner, and constant motivation to practice everyday. Let’s look at some details that will help you understand how meditation for children is different.

Partners in meditation practice

Partners in meditation practice

Children need a partner in their meditation practice as much as they need a companion in playing and studying. Idanim made a conscious effort to make a meditation partner for kids and named him - Koku. This adorable character will help your kids in practicing meditation with enthusiasm by making meditation and mindfulness more interesting.

Visualizations and Imagery

Visualizations and Imagery

Children have vivid imaginations, making guided visualizations very effective for them. Using imagery and storytelling techniques helps them connect with the meditation practice and enhances their engagement and focus. Kids Meditations on Idanim follow a storytelling format for better engagement.

Recommended Meditation Duration

Recommended Meditation Duration

Children have shorter attention spans than adults, so meditation sessions for kids are typically shorter in duration such as simple breathing exercises for kids, sensory explorations, etc. It is recommended to start with just a few minutes and gradually increase the time as they become more comfortable. Kids meditations on Idanim are specifically designed to have short durations keeping in mind the short attention span of kids.

Space for kids to practice meditation

Space for kids to practice meditation

Creating a dedicated space for your kid’s meditation can help cultivate a peaceful and focused environment. While designing a kid-friendly meditation space, include sensory toys, calming sounds, and playful decorations like posters of affirmations, picture cards, or story books, that help set a happy mood for the practice. By designating a specific area, children can develop a connection with the space and associate it with their meditation practice, enhancing their overall experience.

Benefits of Meditation for Children

The Dalai Lama once said “If every 8 year old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation”. There are several benefits of meditation for kids beyond non-violence. Let’s look at some of the benefits below.

  • Better value & habits

    Meditation provides children with a tool to use throughout their lives to promote emotional well-being & positive values.

  • Improved focus & concentration

    Meditation helps children improve their attention skills, allowing them to focus better on tasks and activities.

  • Enhanced emotional regulation

    By learning to observe their thoughts and emotions, kids can develop greater self-awareness and emotional resilience.

  • Better sleep patterns

    Regular meditation practice can support healthy sleep habits, helping children get the rest they need for optimal growth and development.


How Can Parents Help Their Kids Meditate?

Parents play a crucial role in supporting their children's meditation practice. Here are some ways parents can be instrumental in helping their children develop a mindfulness practice.

Set a routine

Set a routine

Some parents prefer morning meditation for children, while others prefer evening meditation. Irrespective of when your child meditates, it is imperative to form a daily set routine when they should be relaxed and not distracted by other activities. Fix a specific time, location, and duration and stick to it.

Create a calm environment for meditating

Create a calm environment for meditating

It is very important to set up a dedicated and quiet space for meditation where your child feels comfortable and can focus without distractions. Make sure the environment is peaceful and inviting, using soft lighting, cushions, appropriate lighting and fresh air to promote relaxation.

Encourage regular practice

Encourage regular practice

Consistency is key in developing the habit and reaping the benefits of meditation. It is crucial to establish a regular meditation routine for your child. Parents should be supportive and encouraging of their children to practice meditation without being overly pushy or strict. Positive reinforcement of the meditation practice can help them become self motivated.

Duration is crucial

Duration is crucial

Duration of the first meditation sessions plays a pivotal role to help your child adapt to the space of mindfulness. Begin with shorter meditation practices like breathing exercises for kids, sensory explorations, etc. that align with your child's age and attention span. Gradually increase the duration as your child becomes more comfortable and engaged in the practice.

Foster open communication

Foster open communication

It is important to create a safe and non-judgmental space for your child to share their experiences, thoughts, and feelings about meditation. Encourage them to express themselves and ask questions, and be available to address any concerns or challenges they may encounter.

Be supportive and patient

Be supportive and patient

Parents should offer encouragement and support to their kids throughout their meditation journey. Be patient with their progress and avoid placing too much pressure on them. Meditation is a personal journey and each child will progress at their own pace.

Meditating Made Fun!


Introducing Koku, our endearing and zen-loving meditator who will help your kids learn mindful awareness of their thoughts, sensations, and emotions, fostering a sense of presence in their everyday activities.

With immersive visuals, sensory meditations, and fun breathing exercises, Koku will help your kids develop a strong sense of emotional well-being and self-awareness, encouraging imagination and creativity.

Download Idanim to watch Koku’s meditation videos and practice mindfulness activities for kids. Watch this sample meditation and experience meditation practice with Koku.

Types of Meditation for Kids on Idanim

Kids cannot begin with a body scan meditation or a Vipassana meditation. Their meditations need to have a concept or a story around it. Here are some simple meditations for kids that we have added on Idanim, to keep them engaged in their mindfulness practice. To watch these meditations download Idanim now.

Sense of Taste

Sense of Taste

This meditation practice will help your kids enhance their sense of taste. Koku takes the kids on a journey where they are encouraged to imagine a wide range of flavors, fostering a sense of curiosity and deep appreciation for food.

Sense of Sight

Sense of Sight

In this meditation, kids will join Koku on an exciting and vibrant journey of exploring and observing their surroundings. This will nurture their curiosity and enhance their awareness and memory skills.

Sense of Sound

Sense of Sound

In this meditation practice, the kids will join Koku as they are introduced to different sounds in their environment. This will enhance their sense of hearing by mindfully listening to the sounds.

Belly Breathing

Belly Breathing

This meditation will help your kids uncover the calming influence of belly breathing with Koku, fostering relaxation, serenity, patience, and emotional well-being.

Inner Smile

Inner Smile

In this meditation, kids will join Koku and explore and cherish the joyful memories that cultivate positivity and develop a deep sense of gratitude.

Sense of Taste

Sense of Taste

This meditation practice will help your kids enhance their sense of taste. Koku takes the kids on a journey where they are encouraged to imagine a wide range of flavors, fostering a sense of curiosity and deep appreciation for food.

Challenges While Practicing Kids Meditations

Practicing meditation with kids is a great experience for both parents and the child, however, it comes with its unique set of challenges. Parents often wonder how to teach kids to meditate when they face resistance from their children. Here are some common challenges parents face while making their kids meditate along with solutions to solve those challenges.

Short attention spans

Short attention spans

Children have a short attention span and would make a fuss about sitting still and focusing during meditation sessions. Parents can begin with short 5 minute meditation sessions and slowly build their meditation practice. We can increase the duration of the practice as their attention span improves.

Restlessness and fidgeting

Restlessness and fidgeting

Kids also find it difficult to sit still and may feel restless or fidgety during meditation. Even we, as adults, keep tapping our feet sometimes when we meditate, so it is no surprise it’s even harder for kids. Parents should allow some movement during meditation and encourage their kids to find a comfortable sitting position.

Resistance to trying something new

Resistance to trying something new

Often kids resist meditation because it's unfamiliar and offers less stimulation as compared to their usual activities. Parents need to present meditation as a fun and enjoyable activity. Idanim created Koku for this very reason. By incorporating playful characters like Koku, we insert storytelling and visualizations into guided meditations.

Difficulty in understanding abstract concepts

Difficulty in understanding abstract concepts

You cannot ask a kid to join you on a journey of mindfulness. As children’s minds are still developing, they find it difficult to grasp these complex and abstract ideas that are integral to traditional meditation practices. Parents need to use age-appropriate language such as asking kids to join you in a fun breathing style.

External distractions

External distractions

Kids are easily distracted. Sudden sounds, lights, or any stimulus will pull their attention. Parents need to make sure kids meditate in a quiet and comfortable space, free from distractions. But along with setting a quiet space, parents also need to teach kids how to acknowledge external distractions without being attached to them, and guide them back to their practice.

Lack of consistency

Lack of consistency

Once kids start their school, it becomes tough to establish a regular meditation routine that can be followed due to their school & playtime schedules. Kids also explore new forms of entertainment and learn new activities. All this can put a divide between them and their practice. This is when parents need to intervene and make meditation a part of their daily routine by setting a specific time. Remember that consistency is key in building a new habit.

Frequently Asked Questions
  • Your children can reap several benefits of meditation for kids. Along with other activities to keep children engaged, mindfulness activities for kids will reap them the sweetest fruits. Teaching meditation to kids from a young age is highly advisable because it forms a solid & mindful foundation for their future selves. By learning mindfulness techniques, they handle changes, emotions and feelings better, which helps them in their adult years. This will ultimately help them become better human beings who are emotionally and mentally strong. Meditation for kids is the perfect gift you can give your little ones to help them achieve overall wellbeing.

  • The optimum age to begin meditation practice varies from person to person. However, it is generally recommended that children as young as 4 or 5 years old can begin learning to meditate with the guidance of a parent or teacher. With mindfulness exercises for kids on the Idanim app, you can explore different types of mindfulness techniques that are helpful for your child.

  • Kids meditation on Idanim is different from adult meditation. Kids need visual and auditory cues to follow a meditation practice. Idanim’s guided meditations for kids provide step-by-step instructions that kids can follow to practice meditation in a fun and engaging way. By incorporating playful and interactive elements in the form of storytelling we’ve tried to make meditation enjoyable. These additions assist your child in understanding emotions, feelings, and situations.

  • While Kids meditations on Idanim are designed specifically for children in the age group of 4-8 years, kids can practice other meditations as well. You can begin with breathing or Mantra meditations since they require very little learning. And once the little ones have grown up, they can explore all 1000+ meditations among 40+ categories on Idanim.

  • Starting with shorter sessions and gradually increasing the duration is recommended. A 5 minute meditation for children can be a great starting point. It provides enough time for them to focus and engage with the practice without feeling overwhelmed. We have taken special care about the duration of the meditations on Idanim, and kept the duration less than 10 minutes for every meditation.

  • To engage kids in mindfulness meditation, start by explaining its benefits. Meditation like other activities can’t be forced on kids. You need to be patient and lead by example. Set a regular practice time and create a calm space with soft lighting and comforting elements. Idanim App has curated a well thought out list of meditations that are relevant, engaging and interactive for kids. When meditation is made fun and interactive through storytelling, kids tend to learn better. With simple meditations for kids on Idanim App, kids will enjoy coming back to them. As parents, one needs to be patient, supportive, and adapt techniques to their age and interests.

  • Meditation is necessary for kids as it supports their overall well-being and development. Meditation also enhances concentration, attention span, and cognitive abilities, supporting academic performance. Through short meditation for kids on Idanim, your child can learn mindfulness techniques that cultivate self-awareness, emotional regulation, and focus. Some parents try mindfulness affirmations for kids that can be helpful in increasing their self-worth and help them become more confident. It also fosters empathy, compassion and positive social interactions.

  • The most asked question from parents is how to teach kids to meditate. Kids meditations on Idanim are carefully curated to keep a child’s interest alive in the practice of meditation. However, you cannot teach your kids meditation unless you practice it first. Once you have some conviction of your own, create a positive environment, download the Idanim App, and practice with Koku to take your kids on their meditation journey. If you still have questions about how to teach meditation to kids, you can reach us any time on the Idanim App or mail us on We would be happy to help.

  • Idanim has carefully curated and researched different meditation techniques for kids. Idanim app is one of the best offerings in the segment of meditation apps for kids. We have added meditations to stimulate all the sensory organs and make children aware about themselves. Idanim offers meditations for the sense of sound, taste, and sight, breathing exercises for kids, and meditations to foster positivity and gratitude.

  • Yes, it is advisable to practice simple meditation for children. Kids meditation involves age-appropriate mindfulness techniques that help improve focus, reduce stress, and promote emotional well-being. Short and engaging sessions with fun visuals or breath awareness are perfect ways for introducing mindfulness for children, fostering calmness and self-awareness from an early age. On Idanim we have meditations that will help your toddlers become mindful of their actions.

  • It is advisable to start with simple breathing exercises for kids that are easy to follow and promote relaxation. 5 minute meditation for children, are ideal to keep their interest alive. Idanim has intentionally created short meditation practices for kids guiding them to focus on their breath or visualize playful scenes to foster mindfulness, calmness, and emotional well-being.

  • Introducing meditation to kids can be done gradually and playfully. Start with short and simple meditation for kids, using mindfulness techniques like breath awareness or visualizations. Some parents incorporate mindfulness affirmations for kids to make it engaging and positive. Create a calming space, use gentle guidance, and choose age-appropriate resources to make meditation enjoyable, fostering a lifelong habit of mindfulness and emotional well-being.

  • Yes, kids can meditate, and it is highly suitable for them. Meditation and mindfulness activities for kids help improve focus, emotional regulation, and reduce stress. Using age-appropriate techniques such as breath awareness, visualization, or sensory explorations, kids can learn to relax, develop self-awareness, and cultivate a positive and balanced state of mind, benefiting their overall well-being.