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Joshna Ramakrishnan

Joshna Ramakrishnan

Chennai, India


  • Yoga Instructor for 15+ years & Founder of Atma Yoga Shala
  • Conducts teacher training and Yoga workshops in Asia
  • Focus Area

  • Pranayama
  • Vinyasa Krama Yoga
  • Holistic Wellness
  • Description

    Joshna is an international Yoga teacher and founder of Atma Yoga Shala. She has a thriving student base across Asia. Her teacher training programs have trained over 500 yoga teachers globally. She has traveled and studied from the Himalayas to Mysore under different yoga Gurus, bringing a rich tradition and philosophy to her teachings.

    Sample Meditations

    Basics of Pranayama for Beginners

    Basics of Pranayama for Beginners

    Learn the basics of Pranayama to gain the benefits of Yogic breathing including stress reduction, enhanced concentration, and inner peace.

    Nadi Shodhana Pranayama

    Nadi Shodhana Pranayama

    Nadi Shodhana is an ancient breathwork technique that balances the flow of energy in your body, creating harmony and serenity.
